The EDS gang takes a break after ESS sessions on “Academics and Athletes” and “Sexual Body Politics and Visibility.”
On Saturday, February 26th, Emile Durkheim Society members took a field trip to Philadelphia to attend the Eastern Sociological Society Meeting sessions, cheer on Lafayette students presenting at the poster sessions, and tour the Righteous Dopefiend exhibition at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. At the Penn Museum, we grabbed lunch in the museum cafeteria and skipped the standing room only “Secrets of the Silk Road” crowds to take in the permanent collections. EDS President Becca Heslin ’12 and Secretary Meagan Betke ’13 flipped for the mummies, while Prof. Lee swooned over Etruscan artifacts. The weather was perfect and we rode home chewing on gummy worms and weighty sociological and anthropological topics.
The EDS crew and Prof. Lee pose with a new friend at the Penn Museum.