The A&S Department kicked off our annual Ethnographic Research Colloquium on March 12, 2020 with a fabulous lecture by Shalini Shankar, Professor of Anthropology and Asian American Studies at Northwestern University and 2017 Guggenheim Fellow.
Prof. Shankar’s visit was hosted by Professor Vora and involved a class visit with Prof. Vora’s A&S 231: Anthropology of Education students and Prof. Lee’s A&S 200: Research Methods students. Prof. Shankar’s lecture, “The Real Generation Z: Spelling Bees and Competitive Childhood in the New Millennium” discussed her research for her book Beeline: What Spelling Bees Reveal about Generation Z’s New Path to Success (Basic Books: 2019) and attracted a standing room only crowd of faculty and students from across the College to discuss the challenges and insights of ethnographic research. Her lecture was co-sponsored by the A&S Department’s Ethnographic Research Fund and the Asian Studies Program. Thanks to Prof. Vora and Joli Mellett for organizing and to Prof. Shankar for sharing her research with us.