David M. '70 and Linda Roth Professor of Sociology and Chair of Organizational Studies
OCGE 312
(610) 330-5187


  • Ph.D., Northwestern University

Research Interests: deception, symbolic interaction, and impression management in the workplace. In addition to publishing in those areas, he has also published articles addressing the fields of marketing and research methods.

Selected Articles and Book Chapters:
  • Nelson, Lee J., David Shulman, Paul A. Potrac, Laura A. Gale & Ben A. Ives. 2024. “Maintaining professional face: Deceptive impression management in community sport coaching. Sport, Education and Societyhttps://doi.org/10.1080/13573322.2024.2349954
  • David Shulman , Kent Grayson,  2023. Et Tu, Brute? Unraveling the puzzle of deception and broken trust in close relations, Socio-Economic Review, https://doi.org/10.1093/ser/mwad021
  • Shulman, David. 2022. “Self-Presentation: impression management in the digital age. Pp. 26-38 in The Routledge International Handbook of Goffman Studies, ed. Michael Hvid Jacobsen and Greg Smith, Routledge.
  • Shulman, David. 2019. “Unchallenged Deceptions in Personal and Social Relationships” Pp. 517-533 in the Palgrave Handbook of Deceptive Communication by Tony Docan-Morgan, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Shulman, David. “Accounts as Social Loopholes: Reconciling Contradictions between Culture and Conduct.” Chapter 8 in The Interplay of Truth and Deception: New Agendas in Communication. Routledge. 2009: 120-135.
  • (coauthor G. A. Fine). “Lies From the Field: Ethical Issues in Organizational Ethnography.” Chapter 3 in Organizational Ethnography: Studying The Complexities of Everyday Life. Edited by Sierk Ybema, Dvora Yanow, Harry Wels and Frans Keemstag. Sage. 2009: 177-195.
  • (coauthors T. Hallett and G. A. Fine). “Peopling Institutions: The Promise of Classic Symbolic Interactionism for an Inhabited Institutionalism.” Chapter 22 in The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Organization Studies: Classical Foundations, edited by Paul S. Adler. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2009. 486-509.
  • Shulman, David. 2008. “More Lies than Meet the Eyes: Organizational Realities and Deceptions in Nonprofit Organizations.” International Journal for Not-for-Profit Law 10: 5-15.
  • Organizations in Action
  • Deviance
  • Theories of Society
  • Symbolic Interaction